Five Hills Garden Club
Sustainable Gardening & Design
Sustainable Gardening & Design
Five Hills Garden Club is a group of eager and earnest women actively involved in the study and practice of horticulture, landscape design, conservation, flower arrangement, garden therapy, beautification and preservation – in our homes, our town, our county, our state and our country.
Five Hills Garden Club was organized in 1954 and federated 1955 with 47 Active Members. We are a Proud Member of
We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (Sept-Jun) at 10:00 am; arrive by 9:30 am to enjoy some socializing before the meeting starts. The first hour is focused on club business and service to the community. At 11:00am we host a guest speaker or demonstrator. We meet in the Vienna Presbyterian Church on the lower level.
Our Civic Projects include: